
(2 hours)

Designed for business students, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and anyone wanting to develop their interpersonal skills. Practice how to listen not only to your external environment, but to your internal environment as well. Gain simple tools to deepen your awareness of our own mental and physical habits. Get to know your inner saboteur, and develop tools to combat it. When you have control over your thoughts, you have more control over your reactions, your body, and your life!


  • Improve interview and networking skills
  • Deliver stronger presentations that express your unique strengths
  • Develop intuition and clear communication
  • Tools to interact with your inevitable fear


Acting for Non Actors

(2 hours)

Have you always wanted to try acting but never made the plunge. Are you musician who got cast in a film or play but don't have actor training. Are you a teacher who wants to deepen your ability to engage an audience? Come learn the basics of this craft in the safe  unpretentious environment. This workshop will help you find comfort and confidence in front of an audience. Come meet your inner actor!